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Car decor accessories mirror pendant handmade with sw.crystal start, gemstone lapis lazurite blue ,glass crystal and black onyx

Car decor accessories mirror pendant handmade with sw.crystal start, gemstone lapis lazurite blue ,glass crystal and black onyx

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Lazurite is one of the precious stones accompanying man on the long road of civilization, considered a holy stone. Pliny the Elder compared lapis lazuli to the starry firmament, as intense blue lapis lazuli often has fine inclusions of golden pyrite. In China, India, Tibet, lapis lazuli is considered a standard of beauty, the embodiment of the greatness of Heaven and the power of the gods in stone. The ancient Egyptians also greatly worshiped lapis lazuli, making sacred scarabs, various amulets, talismans, religious attributes, and jewelry from it. 


Lapis lazuli has not lost its value even in modern times. Among the most commonly used stones, it is practically the only stone in such a beautiful blue color, which is otherwise known as royal blue. 

Lapis lazuli - a stone of renewal that gives energy to those who seek innovation, try to break out of the routine of life, desire to implement new plans, reach heights. It helps to find like-minded people and friends, to successfully complete the work started. It is not for nothing that lapis lazuli is considered a stone of success, prosperity and happiness in Europe. Lazurite protects against evil forces, "dark kingdom" attacks, strengthens hope, gives wisdom, relieves feelings of self-loathing and immeasurable guilt, brings success and wealth.


Lazurite helps to see the world clearly and calmly. It encourages knowing and understanding oneself. It is a stone that helps to establish a connection with the surrounding environment, encouraging the revelation of spiritual powers and creativity. Subtle vibrations of lapis lazuli promote joy, openness, sincerity, give the power to concentrate thoughts, strengthen the will. 


Lapis lazuli could be called the ruler of the Spiritual Realm because it affects the subconscious and intuition. It is a teacher stone that helps you discover yourself, express your thoughts more clearly, see gaps and problems in yourself, promotes spiritual growth, spiritual and intellectual balance, provides more ideas and space for thinking. Destroys blockages in the field of feelings, helps to feel a stronger connection with the higher "I". 


The stone helps to communicate with people who think differently, prevents you from getting involved in fruitless arguments and conflicts. It helps to remain dignified and peaceful, prevents the manifestation of uncontrollable emotions. The mineral helps to focus and use inner resources and wisdom. Teaches inner balance, resisting external influences, and discovering a personality in oneself that does not allow oneself to be exploited. Gives self-confidence, concentration, justice, drive, mutual love. Helps renew your circle of interests and acquaintances, get rid of what is unnecessary, what no longer makes sense. Strengthens friendship and vitality, inner strength and sleep. Helps to avoid heavy thoughts, melancholy and resentment, teaches to nurture and cherish love, promotes compassion and understanding for others.


Lazurite is known as the stone of the third eye - giving peace, very suitable for meditation.  It is considered a stone of spiritual powers, capable of healing the wounds of the soul, raising a person to a higher level of consciousness, and opening the secrets of the Universe. The golden dots of pyrite in the stone symbolize the stars that show us the way to the far reaches of the Universe…


Effects on the body/Medicinal properties.  It has a healing effect on the nervous system, relieves asthma and radiculitis attacks, improves sleep, eyesight, the immune system, relieves equatorial pain, lowers blood pressure, has a healing effect on epilepsy, inflammation of the vocal cords and throat, thyroid diseases, helps when the menstrual cycle is delayed. Strengthens the lymphatic system, the pituitary gland and the pituitary gland. Improves and cleans the blood, manages the central and peripheral nervous systems, mental illnesses. Helps save pregnancy, prevent heart attack, brain damage. Helps the body absorb vitamins (especially B, C, E) and minerals, stimulates metabolism, strengthens all meridians, harmonizes chakras. Rejuvenates the body.


Chakra.  VI. Cleanses and harmonizes all chakras (especially V and VI); "cools" the astral, calms and strengthens the mental, cleanses the causal bodies.


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